June 07, 2023
It’s Comrades time and we are behind all the runners who have been brave enough to take on this epic challenge.


This year, several participants are taking part with their favourite On performance shoes, to not only put themselves through their paces, but to get the best out of a shoe for athletes, designed by athletes.

Thulani Sotobe and Channelle van Wyk are two of these participants who have been courageous enough to take on one of the most prestigious marathons in the world.  

Thulani takes it easy the day before The Comrades Marathon. He tries to be around friends and family to calm his marathon nerves. While at the start line, Thulani sends out a prayer before the starting gun goes off that the day will go well and that his body will carry him successfully through the marathon.

“Having the On team behind me is a great thing,” says Thulani. He will be wearing On’s Cloudstratus performance shoe during the race.

Follow Thulani’s Comrades journey here: https://www.instagram.com/thulani_sotobe/

Channelle aka “Chasing Gesiggie” started getting ready for the Comrades all the way back in 2022 when she ran the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon, which qualified her for the Comrades.

“Once the qualification is under the belt, the real work starts,” says Channelle.

She started off with base training, and really put her nose to the grind from February this year with a personalised programme designed for her specific goal for the Comrades.

Channelle has also chosen to do the marathon in a pair of On Cloudstratus performance shoes, which she says fits her foot brilliantly. She enjoys the shoe’s comfort and light weight and feels it provides her with just the right amount of support and that it’s breathable.

You can follow Channelle at https://www.instagram.com/chasinggesiggie/

We wish these outstanding runners all the best for the Comrades Marathon.