🏃‍♂️ Marathon coming up? 🏃‍♀️ It’s crunch time! Whether you're ready to conquer those 42.2 km or just hoping to survive with both shoes intact, we've got 6 essential tips to keep you on track for race day. From perfecting your taper to dodging that dreaded flu bug, this is everything you need to focus on in the final stretch.

💡 Spoiler: It involves some well-deserved sleep and treating your muscles to a mini spa day 🛁.

6 Things to Focus on in the Final Weeks Before Your Marathon

With just a few weeks to go until your marathon, you’re probably juggling excitement, nerves, and a sudden desire to eat your weight in carbs. Fear not, the final stretch is all about fine-tuning and prepping your body (and mind) for race day glory. Here are six essential things to focus on to ensure you cross that finish line in style – or at least in one piece.

1. Keep Training (But Don't Go Overboard)

Yes, it's taper time, but this doesn't mean you get to become one with your couch. The taper is about reducing your training volume, not hitting pause altogether. Think of it as giving your legs a well-deserved mini-vacation while still keeping them in shape for the big event. A good rule of thumb: cut your training volume by about 25% each week after your last long run. And no, that doesn’t mean you can Netflix-binge instead of run—keep it light, keep it easy, but keep moving!

2. Sleep Like It’s Your Job

You've spent months torturing your body with long runs, now it’s time to make amends. How? With sleep. Good, glorious sleep. Aim for 8 hours a night and maybe even sneak in a nap or two (yes, permission granted). If you’re the type who stays up late scrolling through memes, now’s the time to break that habit. Consider sleep as part of your training plan—it’s where the real magic (read: recovery) happens.

3. Nail Your Nutrition (Without Overdoing the Carbs)

You’ve heard of carbo-loading, but no one said you should turn into a walking loaf of bread. Balance is key. Stick to your usual balanced diet of vitamins, minerals, and the good stuff that fuels your body. Drink water, avoid downing too much alcohol (even if pre-race jitters make you want to sip a little something), and don’t go crazy with last-minute dietary experiments. You don’t want race day to be interrupted by an unexpected bathroom break.

4. Treat Yo' Muscles

Your muscles have been working hard, so now’s the time to spoil them a bit. Stretch, get a massage, or even brave an ice bath (don’t worry, you’ll only hate it for the first minute). Warm baths with Epsom salts? Yes, please. Just think of it as a spa day—except you earned this one with all those brutal long runs. Keep those legs cozy with compression socks or long pants, and don’t forget mobility exercises that make your body feel like it's not just built for running.

5. Stay Mentally Focused (Even as Your Mileage Drops)

With the taper, your mileage may go down, but your focus shouldn’t. Don’t treat these weeks as an all-inclusive break from everything. Your taper is part of the training program, not an afterthought. Stick to your routine, stay disciplined with nutrition, recovery, and mobility work, and keep your head in the game. This isn’t the time to mentally check out—think of it as sharpening your sword before battle (but, you know, with fewer swords and more sneakers).

6. Avoid Getting Sick (Without Becoming a Germaphobe)

Now is not the time to get cozy with a cold. Avoid germs like they're your least favorite running route. Wash your hands, skip the overcrowded parties, and maybe think twice about hugging your toddler if they’re oozing with flu vibes. Boost your immune system with a healthy diet, a few extra vitamins, and plenty of sleep. If you do start feeling off, don’t panic—consult your doctor. A few days of rest won’t undo months of training, but running sick might.

In these final weeks, the focus isn’t just on your feet but on everything that keeps you running—your mind, your muscles, and your overall health. By staying sharp, taking care of your body, and avoiding any last-minute mishaps (or flu bugs), you’ll hit that starting line ready to conquer the marathon like a pro. Now, lace up, taper smart, and don’t forget to enjoy the ride!